Investigating Linux Endpoints

Investigating Linux endpoints is often seen by experienced and inexperienced Investigators alike as “too complicated”, “where do I start?” or even “it’s not worth the effort”. This talk will demystify these common misconceptions and...

Binee: Complete Emulation of Advanced Malware

The capability to emulate x86 and other architectures has been around for some time, with several tools readily available in the public domain. However, most of the tools stop short of full emulation, halting or doing strange things when emulating library functions or...

Performing Linux Forensic Analysis and Why You Should Care

Why do we need to learn Linux Forensics? Well, nowadays when you look at the number of tools available on different penetration testing systems running Linux, you should stop and ask yourself a basic question “are these tools and systems, always gonna be used for...

Cybersecurity Zero to Hero with CyberChef

The Cyber Swiss Army Knife “CyberChef” is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of “cyber” operations within a web browser. CyberChef has significantly lowered the entry threshold for the field of Malware Analysis. This talk demonstrates...