Video Submissions
We want YOU to be a part of OSDFCon this year! Send us a short video (30-60 seconds) of you giving a quick DFIR tip, telling your favorite joke, dancing to a great tune, doing a fun magic trick, etc. We’ll play these during the breaks and you’ll get a hodgepodge of random tips, tricks, jokes, etc. Be creative or fun, but we want you to be part of the action.
- Videos need to be clean and appropriate
- Stick to 30-60 seconds. Longer videos (unless amazing!) will not be included
- Send it in landscape, not portrait (see below)
- They can be any topic you’d like but check out the themes below for the segmented themes or inspiration.
- You can be anonymous if you want.
Video Themes:
- “You know you’re a DFIR professional when…”: Start the video this way and run with it.
- Forensic Tool Frustrations: Tell us your biggest gripe of your favorite or least favorite forensics tools
- Jokes: Got a funny or bad DFIR joke? We want to hear it!
- Tips: Have a quick tip DFIR shortcut? Share it!
To submit your video, email it to by Nov 28. Please let us know if you want to be anonymous.
Record like this:
Not like this:
(These are LIKE TikTok videos, but not actual TikTok videos.)